5 Top-Rated Amazon Vendor Central Software Solutions for your Ecommerce Business


As an Amazon vendor, you deal with a lot of stress. There are so many moving parts and interlocking processes to pay attention to, and you’ve got to execute perfectly in order to keep Amazon happy and avoid chargebacks and other headaches.

That’s why software is so important. Over the years, many different business software platforms have emerged to help companies automate processes and just better manage their businesses. But what about Amazon vendors? Are there solutions tailored specifically for their unique needs?

Fortunately, yes – although the Amazon Vendor Central software ecosystem is a lot smaller than it is for sellers. Here are five platforms out there you may not be aware of that vendors can use to improve how they run their businesses.

Editor’s note: Not all software options were listed on the same review sites, so different review sites are listed for different software options when necessary to do so. This list was updated Sept. 5, 2022 to add two new software options and remove one existing one that did not have enough reviews. All ratings are out of 5 stars.


A screenshot from the TPSynergy home page.

(Source: Screenshot of TPSynergy website)

TPSynergy is more focused on Amazon EDI integration. It can also help vendors with inventory management and shopping carts.

The software is aimed at helping vendors automate a lot of manual processes, like confirming orders, creating freight requests, and generating invoices. TPSynergy has an EDI solution with tools and features aimed at "fully automating the orders management process," according to their website.

Pricing: TPSynergy does not advertise pricing on its website. Instead, you'll have to fill out a form to set up a demo. However, based on online reviews, the software appears to start at $150 per month.

Ratings: 4.5 stars (G2, 2 reviews), 4.33 stars (SoftwareAdvice, 12 reviews)


A screenshot of the Jazv home page.

(Source: Screenshot of Jazva website)

Jazva is multi-channel ecommerce software that focuses on automation to do things like real-time inventory tracking and management of SKUs across multiple channels. The software claims it will improve efficiency with integrated shipping so you can pick, pack, and ship products more quickly.

Jazva offers EDI integration with Amazon Vendor Central, allowing vendors to manage orders, order acknowledgements, invoices, and advance shipping notices within the software itself.

Pricing: Like TPSynergy, Jazva doesn't advertise pricing and instead invites visitors to submit a form for a demo. However, review sites indicate that Jazva pricing starts at about $400 per month, although that appears to be heavily dependent on usage such as number of orders and number of SKUs.

Ratings: 3.52 stars (SoftwareAdvice, 23 reviews)

Reason Automation

A screenshot of the Reason Automation home page.

(Source: Screenshot of Reason Automation website)

If you’re looking for a better way to access your data, we’ve developed a platform focused on that entirely. You can get data in Vendor Central, but it’s difficult to access and compile. You’d have to manually download reports and combine them all into one spreadsheet, and most people don’t have that kind of time. However, you need this data, so what do you do?

Reason Automation’s platform makes this data available to you so you can crunch the numbers without spending all of that time compiling the data. And with Reason, you own the data. You’re not stuck with a one-size-fits-all interface that won’t integrate with the tools you use. We compile the data and provide it to you, and you decide what to do with it.

Pricing: Reason Automation will create an a la carte SQL database with clean data that is updated automatically starting at $199 per month plus $20 per table.

Ratings: 4.3 stars (Trustpilot, 7 reviews)


A graphic that shows inputs such as EDI, shipping, inventory, and other labels feeding into the eZCom logo which further progresses to a circle of Amazon logos.

(Source: eZCom)

eZCom aims to help ecommerce companies more efficiently manage Amazon Vendor Central to meet the retail giant's "very specific requirements" for vendors.

The software uses automation to reduce manual data entry, runs validation checks on documents before they are submitted, and connects directly with shipping providers liek FedEx, UPS, and the USPS. You can also create Amazon-specific labels.

Pricing: eZCom does not publicize their pricing. All they reveal on their website is that they use a multi-tiered pricing model. To get a quote you will need to set up an appointment with them.

Ratings: 4.9 stars (G2, 39 reviews)


A screenshot of the Acctivate home page.

(Source: A screenshot of the Acctivate home page.)

Acctivate claims to offer EDI for Amazon Vendor Central that includes "advanced inventory, fulfillment, and business management." The purpose of the EDI management software they offer is to enable easy communication between Amazon and vendors, as well as provide tools for inventory and fulfillment.

The software is aimed at vendors with high-volume sales who need to reduce data entry and automate more tasks. The software can "interpret large, complex purchases orders imported from Amazon, streamlining picking, packing, and shipping processes, reducing costs, and preventing errors and inaccuracies," their website states.

Pricing: Acctivate offers three packages: Starter, Professional, and Enterprise. Starter is the least expensive at $7,995 for a lifetime license and $2,000 for onboarding, but it only includes one user. Enterprise is the most expensive at $24,995 for a lifetime license and $4,000 for onboarding, but it includes 15 users. Additional users are $750 each for all packages.

Ratings: 4 stars (G2, 90 reviews), 4.15 stars (SoftwareAdvice, 109 reviews)

Want to Learn More About Accessing Vendor Central Data? We Can Help With That

As an ecommerce company, you depend on data to make the right decisions about your company. However, getting that data from Vendor Central isn’t easy. Trust us, we know. If you’re trying to figure out how to access your data more easily, we’ve created a whitepaper that breaks down the top methodologies so you can determine which is the right one for your business. It’s available for free download now below.


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This guide will help you take ownership of your Amazon data—by preparing your business for a data-driven future, and analyzing the most common methods for extraction, automation, storage, and management.

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